Workshop for Controllers and Evaluators
The training session for Controllers and Evaluators marks a key moment in the planning and conduct of the national exercise Valahia 2023. This two-day seminar will focus on detailed training for Controllers and Assessors, giving them an in-depth understanding of the planning and preparation process, the organisations involved, objectives, key locations and responsibilities specific to their roles. With the help of experts, participants will be led through a series of presentations and simulations, covering all aspects of exercise control and evaluation, including monitoring strategies and the use of specialised tools such as the CalianResponseReady platform. This training aims to ensure a successful implementation and effective evaluation of the Valahia 2023 exercise.
The venue of the seminar is located on Blv. Magheru, nr. 31, on the 1st floor of the building of the Progress Forestry Society.
See the agenda here.